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Guest Writing for Others


Do Guest Writing for Others

By: Jennifer Yan

bicycle seat with business logo etched into the seat

Guest writing is the opportunity to write for other blogs or major publications in your industry. Many business owners may already have their own blog on their website, but guest posting gives them the opportunity to access a wider audience that can become their potential clients. Most blogs and online publications that accept guest posting will normally have a “write for us” or “how to be a contributor” page on their site. Additionally, some of these publications are “syndicates,” meaning that if you post your article to this publication, other media outlets or websites may also pick up your article and repost it to their sites.

These can be paid or unpaid opportunities. Do you want to be featured on Forbes, Huffington Post, Business Insider, etc.? Use resources like Help A Reporter Out (HARO) or Source Bottle to reach out to editors on a tight deadline who are hungry for more content.

Do not worry if you do not have a degree in English or journalism. Most publications tailored to the general audience are actually written at a 5th or 6th-grade level. Instead, come up with a compelling story to stand out from the hundreds of article pitches out there.

You can also sign up for a free “Grammarly” account to fine-tune your spelling and grammar before submitting it to an editor.

Each editor or publication may have specific rules on the type of articles you can submit. Please reach out and see what their policies are.

Once you are featured on a major publication like Forbes and you are able to add your link to their website, it will boost your domain authority. In doing so, search engines like Google will have an extra reason to rank you higher on their search engines.

There are multiple ways to generate income for your business. If you’d like help on deciding which marketing method to focus on, please contact “Seven Figure Shift Coaching” to discover the best marketing method for your business, how to make that first seven-figure year for your business, and how to recession-proof your business. Book a free business consultation today at

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