Much like social media, a huge number of individuals are listening to podcasts. This makes starting your own podcast another great opportunity to market your business. Fortunately, you do not have to spend thousands of dollars for a big recording studio to start recording episodes. The basic equipment you need is a microphone, headphones, recording software, and editing software like Descript. Put together your episodes, add podcast cover art, a podcast description, and you can submit your podcast for approval in the iTunes store or the Google Play store.
Once you are approved, you can upload future episodes using podcast hosting platforms like Blubrry and Libsyn. As with any type of content, staying consistent with your audience base is key, so it is recommended that you release an episode at least once a week. By having your own podcast, it sets you apart as the go-to expert for your industry and gives you a potential additional revenue stream with the opportunity to monetize your podcasts by selling your own products/services or through affiliate sponsorships. Having a podcast also makes it easier to build relationships with major influencers and get booked for paid speaking gigs.
According to research, there has also been a dramatic increase in the number of investors that are tuning into podcasts. However, to make your podcast stand out and get the attention of listeners and potential investors, it is vital to nail down on your niche audience and content to stand out from the millions of podcasts out there.
There are multiple ways to generate income for your business. If you’d like help on deciding which marketing method to focus on, please contact “Seven Figure Shift Coaching” to discover the best marketing method for your business, how to make that first seven-figure year for your business, and how to recession-proof your business. Book a free business consultation today at
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